Barking up the Wrong Tree
Canine Behaviour & Communication Solutions
Helping you and your dog to reconnect
Is your dog barking up the wrong tree?
Or are you barking up the wrong tree? Or are you both barking up the wrong tree?
This is the place where you can get help in finding out where communication between you and your dog is going wrong, why your dog is showing unwanted behaviours and how you can start your path towards problem-solving and change in order to build a better future relationship.

Genny Masterman ISCP.Dip.Canine.Prac.
is a Canine Behaviour Practitioner with a focus on science-based, dog-friendly and force free methods. She helps guardians and their dogs find the reasons for unwanted behaviours and provides them with solutions. She uses only positive reinforcement techniques.
Genny’s aim is to set you and your dog up for success. She will additionally help you understand more about what your dog is communicating via their body language – knowledge that is based on the most recent scientific research. You can read more about her methods in the About section.
Depending on your and your dog’s needs a protocol will be worked out aiming to set you and your dog up for success
Once you have secured an appointment the initial consultation will take 60 to 90 minutes
To aim for the best possible assessment of the problem you will be asked to fill out a form with initial questions in advance
Save time and get help from the comfort of your home. Gain your dog’s trust by working on a force-free protocol made for you and your dog
Support can be offered in 4 languages: First of all English and Dog. Genny also speaks German and Dutch
Definition of barking up the wrong tree:
“…to be wrong about the reason for something or the way to achieve something.”
(From the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
Reconnect with your dog with the Reliable Recall learning tool
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The toolbox includes: 17 video lessons, how to find your dog’s motivators
Focus games, Recall games, Marker training
A motivational game board tracker so you can keep track of your progress
and more!